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3 Changes Needed to Make 2022 Better.

Taryn Shaffer

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Cheers to the first week, or heck maybe even month of 2022 depending on when you read this. As this year starts going full swing, there are a lot of pivots I personally want to make. With 2021 being a year that for lack of better words destroyed me (Here's that blog), I want to dial in my intentions. 2022 isn't necessarily about crazy goals for myself, although I will share those as well. It is a year that I am intending to be pure growth. The year that I plant more seeds, see a different lens in terms of my perspective when it comes to those seeds blossoming, & continuing to explore the world around me. Rather than bombard myself with goals out the wazoo (Raise your hand if that's your style), the focus is on 3 areas that I know will drastically create ripples.

Blossoming: Promising or healthy development.

Once again Julie, thanks for that word as this chapter begins for me. See, my word personally is bravery these next 12 months. As bravery transpires in my life, blossoming ironically is fitting. The braver I become, the more promising my inner desires become as well. The two are synergistic with one another. Side note, if you haven't picked a word for 2022 I suggest you spend some time there! Now in order for that to happen certain internal changes need to occur on a deeper cellular level. Side side note, it doesn't matter if you're into the spiritual realm like myself. Deep cellular inner work can be applied regardless in whatever shape that holds for you. But for those wanting to ensure 2022 isn't totally perplexing I want to share my 3 biggest changes that will snowball a year unlike any other. Maybe you only need to dial in one area, maybe you need all three. Either way, be open to the change. Be open to the nitty gritty pain, & crack yourself open to emerge or blossom into the person you are wanting to be.

3 changes to make right now:

  • BOUNDARIES: First I'd like to admire how sexy that sounds. Parameters for yourself?! Sign me up. What are you setting limits on in your personal life? What are you setting limits on when it comes to other people? Get clear on those.

  • MINDFULNESS/GRATITUDE: WTF are you thankful for? Each day isn't sunshine and rainbows, it isn't meant to be. But where can you daily find 3-5 things that you are truly grateful for? Where can you spend 5 minutes connecting with yourself. It doesn't matter if that is meditation, breathwork, yoga. Finding space to give thanks to all that is around, all that is coming, all that has past. Finding space to SLOW THE F*CK DOWN. (Read that twice).

  • ROUTINE: Have a set of non negotiables in life for both morning and night. If you are always wired & living in sheer makes things more challenging. Now as someone who has been spontaneous AF in 2021, this doesn't mean be stiff as a board. This means where can you create consistency.

There are 365 days in a year, 366 if you get lucky on a leap year. (; That is 365 opportunities to get better daily. 1% better adds up each day. It isn't about going from one extreme to the other. Name of the game should be consistency. 2021 was the year I implemented all three of these changes, and while it was challenging the amount of growth my planted seeds obtained was higher than any year prior. My suggestion on navigating this is to reverse engineer the process. Whether it is all three areas, or lucky you on needing just one find the missing links. Personally, I "sucked" at all three. Boundaries might as well have been a spanish term, mindfulness started off a shit show, & I had no true routine. To give some insight none of those three areas started to feel steady until almost 6 months in. I say that to reiterate none of this is a race. Oh and PS it doesn't matter how easily Sally Joe was able to accomplish all these. Or how easily it seemed Sally Joe was able to accomplish all these. (Bless you social media and your warped lens of success).

My approach was a little unconventional, which is the nature of my style. For me adding boundaries wasn't doable until I had a routine. It's hard to know what limits need to be set when you're in fight/flight daily. My morning/night routine began, and fun fact my sleep drastically improved. When it comes to gratitude/mindfulness, I don't set defined times that it has to happen. Part of my morning routine is a walk in silence, and often at times that is when I reflect out loud the things I am grateful for. TIP: many will say they have nothing to be grateful for. While I know in the lows it can seem as though everything sucks, there is something. & I challenge you once again to spend time there.

Easy gratitude moments:

  • Roof over your head.

  • Car to get to work.

  • WAKING UP?! Hi hello, that is a big one.

  • Being healthy/being able to move

  • Food in your fridge to nourish your body.

Before you know it, you'll be rattling off things like a pro. I digress though. The last and HARDEST one for me this last year was boundaries. As someone who is deeply wounded on people pleasing/asking for permission, saying no is tough for me. Lesson learned when my mental health tanked, and I found myself in a almost depressive state. I had to learn what I stood for. I had to learn what my morals/worth was. I also had to learn that it doesn't matter what someone thinks of me. If it isn't a heck yes, if it doesn't feel right then K THX BYE KAREN. Boundaries become easy when you spend time with yourself (Cue the mindfulness/routine) in order to know what limits need to be set. Personally, I choose to set my phone on do not disturb at 10 pm each night now until 7 am. No longer do I respond to people 24/7. When it comes to being nomadic, I don't ask for permission or approval. & the second I notice someone is taking advantage of me regardless of the situation I shut that biznatch down REAL QUICK. Now another key thing to mention is that as you do these things, you will create friction. PS friction isn't bad. BUT you will be challenged, you will be called things, you will basically piss a lot of people off. However, I can guarantee you will plant seeds that yield beautiful flowers & that my dear is the best part of this journey.

My wish is that you spend this next year really crafting your vision/desires. I wouldn't change anything that happened in 2021, and in sharing this I hope it allows you to be BRAVE. To choose yourself fiercely over and over again. Let me know which area you are prioritizing this year, and I cannot wait to hear/see all the blossoming within.



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