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What is it like to truly let go

Taryn Shaffer

"The hardest part of the unknown is to trust that you know where you're going. The best part of the unknown, is that the magic is waiting when you open to that trust"


Magic, a friend of mine mentioned the word magic. For most it's a taboo thing of non existent space. & yet when she mentioned this to me, it hit just how much magic is all around IF you choose to see it. But often at times to see that we have to let go. We have to let go of the beliefs that have dimmed that magic. We have to let go of the 3D world that hides it from us. We have to let go of the noise that causes distractions. This Summer has been that path for me. While it hasn't been easy it has truly been pure magic. Another thing that really hit was on Maxx Chewning's Don't Be Sour Podcast, his interview with Dana & Rob Bailey. Rob mentioned how the confident people are the dreamers, the ones who get clear on that dream, then calculated. "Who you need to become". Personally, to know who you need to become I think you need to let go of who you thought you once were or needed to be.

I say that because letting go isn't easy, and it isn't pretty. In fact, it comes with a lot of whirlwinds not anticipated. It comes with a lot of questions, doubts, tears, and confusion. At the same time, when you can pour into that side of the unknown you allow the space for the magic to shine. This Summer has been eye opening in just how needed letting go of beliefs I've held onto is necessary. In that regard, this Summer has also led to me really digging into what is FOR ME. To most it is this galavanted vacation, but once again that is someone's belief. We see things in the 3D as very black and white. We see basically what we want to see, not what is actually there. These last few months have been messy, hard, conflicting, breathtaking, and a journey of healing. These last few months have enabled me to really put myself out there in areas that are foreign to me.

Letting go has allowed me to live a life that felt like a dream. It has brought about deep digging to wounded healing that never was addressed. Letting go has brought the 5D dreamer within myself to the 3D world.

The belief of:

  • I shouldn't do this

  • I should do that

  • I shouldn't choose this

  • I should choose that

It also has shown just how easy it is to lose our identity or understanding of our worth. If you had asked me a year ago would I be doing the things I am doing, without a doubt I would have said no. I would have questioned who am I to be able to do those things? Who am I to say I want be nomadic, I want to lead those looking to change, I want to do photography, I want to let the inner creative within SHINE. Letting go has removed the mask of not feeling worthy. Of feeling beneath those that I see living and doing the things I want. It has also grown me and pushed me into a stretched space I didn't know I needed. (It's funny how the universe knows what we need before we need it). It also has rebuilt trust within myself. When you let go it can feel like a weight is off your shoulder. Sure you don't know what's next, but you don't need to. When you ditch the beliefs that have held you hostage you innately allow space for the destined path that has been within this whole time. The magic there is that things start unfolding that seem "unreal". MAGIC.

My question to you is, what beliefs are you holding onto that don't serve your highest self? What limitations are you inviting into your life currently? What would life look like if you let go of those thoughts, and allowed the magic to flow? This next chapter isn't written, and what I've realized is that I truly am the co-creator of this life. I am the dreamer, & I am the magician. Since leaving Tennessee and making my way into Utah I have birthed visions of a life that excites me. I've opened my heart to my creative, putting my photos into stickers, asking to branch into other photography aspects, and really cultivated more clarity on what I want things to look like. There is no ending to this book yet, but there is new found belief of if I want it, it's meant for me.

Until next time,


IG: Taryn_annette

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