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Who Knew Reading Colleen Hoover Would Make Me Feel This Way.

Taryn Shaffer

I jumped on the bandwagon of Colleen Hoover the other week...don't act like you haven't considered it. While I am an avid reader, it wasn't until Hoover quite literally popped up everywhere on social media that I decided to see what the hype was about. Now unlike most, I did not start with Verity and had I done that I am not sure how my thoughts would sway. Let me also admit that in 7 days I am now on my fourth book from her. Does that mean I am hooked? Does that mean I am crazy? Does that signal this chick likes to read? In all fairness I was driving 55 hours round trip, which leaves a bit of time to kill. Regardless though, here is my takeaway and Ms. Hoover no judgement please.

First on the list, Ugly Love. As someone who is more single than they come and while I wouldn't say is shut off from love the title seemed relevant to my current life. It was twisted, beautiful, and I will say for those that have dealt with child death a little hard to swallow. I was hooked though, & the way the story line came about was executed well in my opinion. It also didn't hurt that the description of the pilot, Tate, was painting a very lovely picture in my head. There are two key statements from him, "Don't ask about the past and don't expect a future". Those two statements are what intrigued me more because I knew something had to have happened that made those vague sentences mean everything. & the twisted arrangement that starts to unfold seemed like another path I could relate to. I hate talking about my past, and the future EEK. I'd give this first one a solid 8/10. Side note: It all goes downhill from here!

To be quite frank this second book choice was merely me going, "WTF happened on November 9?" When I see a title like this the inner Sherlock Holmes in me wants to know exactly every event that took place making it such a pivotal remembrance. This story was yet another that made me cry as it unfolded. & if you're looking for a "love story" that isn't like most you've heard of I'd give this one a go. I actually laughed a little due to the complexity of the relationship the two characters have. Meeting once a year on the exact date you met for the very first time despite living on opposite parts of the country...?! WHO is that crazy, and yet I drove cross country & ended up hiking with someone I met on a trip to NV where we outran rangers and grabbed coffee. Now we're writing letters like freaking pen pals, and sending pics of sunsets as a competition with one another. Perhaps if someone shares enough commonalities it's worth it, but how often does that happen? Or is that how it happens? Your stories are fake, not total fairytale but I think we can agree that this isn't your everyday scenario. As I chuckle knowing that while it wasn't a year I waited to meet up with the person again (more like 2.5 weeks) I feel like I am living my own version of November 9. Ehh, that might be a lie plus the date was actually more February 5...but I digress. & disclosure we aren't dating, (Just chasing sunsets across the West because someone is half as crazy as I am. & that feels good even as friends). With that we can leave out the sappy similarities of my life and your book. There are no hot and steamy moments in my wanderlust moments with my new friend. I still can't help but giggle though at feeling like I am real time mimicking aspects of this book. There are for sure things not similar, and I will not give spoilers because that would be rude. Overall, I'd say 8/10 as well depending on what you're looking for in a book.

Dear Colleen, I have no idea what the heck you were thinking when you wrote this one. Do you think we all have an Atlas in our lives? Do we all have that one person as a childhood crush or sometime in our twisted adult life that we never forget? You know what I mean here, that one person who you can't get out of your head despite how many times you've tried. That one person you low key have something kept from your time with them that you pretend was a random addition to your home. No there isn't a magnet on my fridge, & no I don't have a momento from that part of my life. Yet, I feel like I have an Atlas...his name isn't Atlas though. & only a few people know the full context of that one. He was everything and more in that time, a first love that you can't shake. & what hurts the most (which seems on par with the main character) are the events that seperated that dynamic between us. I won't lie and say I don't think about our time spent together still in some capacity. I won't even lie saying I don't wonder what his relationship is like. Heck, I often wonder if they have the same jokes, interests, hobbies, or ease together that we did. I know Colleen, I sound silly. Admitting this isn't even because I am jealous, unable to move on, or that creep. Just curious more so, & curiosity can be a blessing and a curse all at once. & then I think of when Lily runs into Atlas years later. That wave that comes in flooding her current life. God, what would happen if that happened to me? I've never thought about that until reading your book...not that I have that possibility but that would be quite the plot twist in my own life. However, just like Lily was told..."Just keep swimming". Full disclosure, I can't swim well...& I've been swimming for 5 years now. When do you reach the shore? Having someone like Atlas in your life makes you feel safe, happy, like you can be yourself...and then time does its thing and that path goes a different direction. Except they never leave your mind. (I am still deciphering if that is a good or bad thing). As I read this book hearing how Lily rebuilt her life and opened up to the idea of a new love I couldn't help shake the feeling about her childhood with Atlas. As silly as it sounds that might be why I like this book most out of the other two mentioned. Oh & Colleen, thanks for making me cry again except in a beautiful reminisce of a great year in my life. Overall 9/10 rating.

Fourth book in a week, but I am not finished with it yet. There isn't much I can say to sway a valid vote on this one overall. As of today I am halfway through it, with no tears, and just as hooked. To be honest minus hating that I am crying in every book, meaning more tears in a week than in the last year...I am digging how there is something from each that I am able to relate to. Unlike other authors I have never had that before. & for that Ms. Hoover, I am thankful that social media pressured me into downloaded one book from you. That peer pressure is what snowballed my obsession, and at least now I know to make sure I have a box of tissues nearby. Anyone looking for an author with a wide range of stories, ability to tell a story, and keeps you on your toes I'd say she's a solid choice. There's no way I'll read all her books, but I'd like to read at least 3 others on my list currently. & if you have read any of her books, I'd love to know your thoughts.


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