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I Met Shark Tank Legend Daymond John, & It Wasn't What You'd Think.

Taryn Shaffer

My mom always jokes to me since moving to Nashville about meeting a star. "Have you met anyone famous?!" She is literally baffled at the fact that the star struck lust of Nashville has not crossed my path in almost 3 years. People tell you all the time they ran into someone famous, and for all I know I have walked by a country singer without even recognizing them. Truthfully, for me they are just people at the end of the day with talented skills I do not hold. (You do NOT want me singing to you, unless you have a had a few drinks...or love karaoke in the car!) & I am sure these people want to be treated like "normal" human beings. However, recently I did get to meet my first celebrity and it was nothing that I expected.

If you have ever watched Shark Tank, then you are probably familiar with Daymond John. When I was told I'd be meeting him/coordinating logistics for him to our event, I actually didn't know who he was. It was during a conversation about him possibly coming that the confusion in my eyes led to, "You do know who he is right?" Off a first name basis, NOPE. Maybe that was the blonde moment in me, once the words Shark Tank were said though I totally was on the same page. I remember watching that show, and always being intrigued at the unique pitches people had. Seeing their creative minds creating products to solve needs was inspiring. & let's be honest it was always funny when some of the judges had to be the testers. Never though did I think I'd have the chance to meet him, or someone like that in general. Oh and I didn't meet him in Nashville, so mom nope to this day I have still not met a celebrity here!

The event I was at for the week was in Boulder City, Nevada at a place called Pirates Cove. If you have ever been to Disney and rode the Pirates of the Caribbean ride...well I basically was in a house totally pegged for it in real life. Over 28 rooms, views, animations, I got lost and fell down the stairs but hey it was pretty legit. Okay so back to the real reason you're here...meeting Daymond. When someone says the word celebrity, I feel like there's two ways it can go. The person is either A) totally down to earth, and pleasant or B) over the top and egocentric making the experience god awful. Really, I didn't know what to expect. Sure he had needs/arrangements necessary per his contracts but it was nothing extreme. However, the pressure to make sure he was taken care of was on! My goal was that his experience was as smooth/grand as the experience I was hoping for in hearing him speak. When he arrived, his smile and demeanor were just that of a genuinely down to Earth person. & then after getting settled his presentation began. PS he really is down to Earth, and he made you feel like you knew him from the start.

Now this is where "It wasn't what I expected" really hit home. See, he was telling us real life stories. From him growing up, his success, his struggles, his pivots. & there was something he said that hit me like a ton of bricks which has sat with me since returning home. "Lead with passion, and the money will follow". For most, I think this statement is something we all "know". Yet, how many of us truly lead by that? The second thing he said that has been on my mind is that, "Life is really simple, execution is hard". I know that life is good, and that opportunities are all around. At the same time though, I also am the person who complicates it all. & it is in doing that, that my internal struggles grow more and more. There was no idea for me on what he would say, and if it would hit home for me. Part of me was seeking clarity or a message this week while at this event, and thank you universe for providing that in a way unexpected. The last thing he discussed was that he sets his intentions daily. He journals, reflects, he really dials in his mindset...I am still working on this. BUT that last nugget too is everything.

After that event, needless to say my mind/heart has been very heavy. I feel as though I was smacked in the face with real guidance and it cracked me open raw. Most have seen that turning 30 has been a whirlwind of joy, anger, confusion, sadness, and well insert any other emotional reaction here. There are so many transitions happening, so many things that don't make sense to me, and such an internal need to dive deeper on my PASSION. The surprise of Daymond John being here this week, was nothing I expected and everything I needed. Whether I want to acknowledge it or not, it is on me to lead with passion, execution, fulfilment, and desire. It was in him saying that staying mindful, looking at who you are surrounding yourself with, and speaking about his journey that I felt as though I received a gift of being able to reflect. I cannot thank him enough for coming out here, and I am so humbled to have been able to spend a few hours from him. For a first timer meeting someone of that caliber, while I had no expectations he exceeded anything I could have hoped for. In sharing this, I hope to leave you with those takeaways I had in an attempt to have you dig deeper in your own life. Everything is a choice, everything is a decision, and everything is as grand or complicated as you choose to make it. How can you choose to lead with passion today, and execute the steps for the life you are worthy of?


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