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30 Takeaways While Being 30.

Taryn Shaffer

Hi I'm Taryn, your nomad hippy and outdoor enthusiast. I solemnly swear I have it all together. Wait no, I'd rather not start our relationship off with a lie. At 30 (Almost 31 thank you, my birthday is May 26) you would think I'd have it all together. Truth be told though, I don't and I am not even close to it. In fact, my younger sister might have more than I do up her sleeve. Yet here we are, my first year of thirties almost down and anyone who says it's thirty and thriving...HAH. Dang, I am lying again (sort of). While it hasn't been all thriving, it has been fun. & that's where this blog comes into play. Why not take a walk down memory lane of 30 takeaways I have come to grasp since being another year wiser. Shall we?

Be a kid ALWAYS.

Just because you're another year older, doesn't mean you have to be full on adult 24/7. That kid inside needs to come out every now and then in whatever way lights you up.

Those that hate Disney can't be trusted.

Okay that might be a soft judgement, but it's the happiest place on Earth...clearly the kid in me loves Toy Story land. OH and Disney adults are a thing, and going solo has major perks at times.

Travel often.

Did you read that one? Take the trip. Book the flight. Hop in the car. I don't care how far, how close, how big, how small. Life is going to keep passing you by, why wait until your 65 to enjoy it?

Read. Read daily.

Get off social media and pick up a book, a blog, a newspaper (yeah that's still a thing), a journal. Reading is much more enjoyable as an adult, and hey it's good for you. It can keep you open minded, cultivate creativity, help you live longer.

Practice breathwork, meditation, journaling.

Keeping your mental health in check is absolutely crucial. Find a rhythm/flow that works for you and don't let go. I always feel better when I give myself 5-10 minutes to be present. No interruptions, no distractions.

Stay healthy.

Hit the gym, take a spin class, hike, do yoga. It doesn't matter. Prioritize your health physically.

DO your yearly appointments.

Hey remember as a kid going to the dentist, eye doctor, lady doctor, all those fun check ups. Don't be like me and skip out on them, unless you want a fun $800 bill due to needing extra testing done.

Dating doesn't get any better. & online dating is still a joke.

It doesn't matter what age the person is, dating is still a tragedy and comedy all at once. PS people as we get older either want to get married tomorrow, or are divorced with crazy drama.

Get a dog.

Okay, I don't have one currently but look at the takeaway above and well a dog is easily the solution. Less disappointment, they don't talk back, and they are great cuddle buddies!

Take yourself on a date.

I don't care if you're in the best marriage or relationship ever. (Kudos to you btw). Never stop dating yourself, and you also have great taste. Take yourself to dinner, buy yourself the bag, get the massage. Whatever makes you feel like the bombshell you are DO IT.

Friendships fade. Friendships can be seasonal. It is OKAY.

The friends you had in college don't always last, and sometimes making friends as adults is even harder. Let the people be in your life as needed, and when necessary cut the cord.

Going to bed before 10 is legit a vibe.

Grab your snuggy, put on the jam jams, and get cozy.

Your parents are actually awesome.

If you thought calling your parents was lame, well just know it's pretty rad talking to them when you're older. PLUS they really do have some nuggets of advice. OH and you can joke about far more things now.

Listen, be present, give your full attention.

It doesn't matter if it is work, relationships, a stranger. Be present, learn to listen. You would be surprised how easy it is to neglect.

Amazon Prime & Instacart + Curbside pickup.

Nothing more to say here. IYKYK.

The mall sucks when you're older.

Why was this such a fun place to be every weekend in high school? Now it is the biggest headache ever, and bless online shopping.

People are going to judge you regardless...quit trying to fit in.

You really are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Stop trying to fit in, and let your weirdness show.

85% chance your college degree didn't matter.

WOO! You did it. 4 years (maybe more...) and chances are you are not in a field that used that thing. Even bigger chance you still don't know career wise what you want and that's the "fun".

Dance on the mountains. Sing in the car at the redlights. Own the moments.

Those throwback songs hit hard in traffic. Let life in.

NEVER feel bad for being selfish.

Life is too short to care what others fully think. Don't be a total douche-wad, but do what YOU want to do. Screw the approval or appeasement of others.

Gratitude is the attitude.

Cheesy I know, but there is joy in EVERY day. It is up to you on seeing it. PS I challenge you to jot down daily 5 things you're grateful for.

Cry it isn't weakness.

Everyone needs a good cry, it's cool. Get the tissues, and let it out baby girl.

Home is where you feel joy.

If you want to buy a house good for you! If you want to roam around in a van or SUV, love it. If you don't want tie downs, and love the renting realm splendid. Owning a home by 30 doesn't make you a saint.

The power of choice is wonderful. (Most times).

Everything is a choice. Moving, staying, quitting, starting over. If you aren't happy, go create joy. Pivot, reroute, and get clear. The power of choice can be overwhelming too, and if you're a Gemini like me your second personality comes out which makes you an walking contradiction at times.

Comparison really is the thief of joy.

9/10 no one cares what you're doing. & comparing yourself to the people around you only hurts you more. Who cares if Becky has a husband like Gerard Butler. Who cares is Joe bought a new BMW. If you're happy with what YOU have that is enough.

You ARE enough.

You are NOT too extra, too bold, too much, too anything but SPECTACULAR. Want to know why? Because you are YOU, and there is only ONE you. (Even if you're a twin!)

Success if what you deem success.

It's not the career, salary, house, or material things. Success is practicing your routine, crafting your life, and living authentically.

Life is better with a view.

I know I said travel as much as you can, but for real. The views are worth it.

Listen to your intuition.

If it feels wrong it is. If it feels off it is. If it isn't a HELL YES it's a HELL NO.

Be curious. Be bold. Be Brave.

Never stop exploring. Just because you're older, and are adulting doesn't mean you have to give up living life. Be curious in all that is around you. Go explore, and don't be afraid to completely flip it all upside down. Everything you do is a choice, and every choice has a reason/message.

Bonus nugget for being almost 31, learn to say no.

Saying yes to everything means you're saying no to something else. Normally this is yourself. Saying no, creating boundaries, using do not disturb...yeah that's gold.

Double bonus, even in the ick life is truly a blessing. Keep putting yourself out there, it does get better even when it feels like the worst is happening.

Which of these takeaways hits you most?


Instagram: taryn_annette

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